2 Important AC Tasks for Homeowners to Keep Their Cool
Every desert-dweller knows that a good AC is an absolute requirement. To keep your AC running its best all summer long, set aside a few minutes every month for two simple tasks. Your system will run more efficiently, saving you money every month, and you may be able to avoid inconvenient repairs.
Change the AC Filter
Check the air filter every month and change it as needed, the Energy Department recommends. A dirty AC filter blocks airflow, forcing the unit to work harder to keep you comfortable. This hurts the energy efficiency, which can push your power bills higher. The extra workload from a dirty filter can also add to the wear and tear on your system, leading to extra repairs or a shorter operational life.
Check the Drain
You may have noticed a small drain line near the outside AC unit that sometimes drips water when the AC is running. This is the AC condensate line. It collects and drains condensation from the evaporator coils inside the house. If mold or algae grow in the line, you could notice a musty or foul odor. If the line becomes clogged or the drain pan fills with debris, the overflow could cause water damage to your home. Check the condensate line and drain pan every month or so to make sure the condensation is draining properly. If the line does become clogged, you can clean it yourself or call a certified HVAC technician to clear it and perform a routine maintenance check on your air conditioning system.
Learn more about the benefits of preventive maintenance from All Knight Heating & Air Conditioning. Check the Maintenance page on our website or call (760) 772-4947 to set up an appointment. From Palm Springs to Coachella and the surrounding communities, All Knight is keeping the desert cool.
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